17 - 26 OCTOBER 2019

Salon 19
New approaches in photography.

An annual exhibition of new work by sixteen artist/photographers participating in our London Creative Network (LCN) programme.
LCN offers a unique, free professional development opportunity for emergent artist/photographers working in London.
Through workshops and mentoring at Four Corners, participants gain skills and knowledge to enhance their practice. LCN participants are encouraged to experiment and create new projects using techniques that they have not tried before.
SALON 19 showcased a range of exciting new projects developed through the LCN programme, from moving image and installations to publications and prints.
The Artists:
Rachel Megawhat, Pablo Antoli, Liam Leslie, Julia Grassi, Michael Kemp, Marcela Ferri, Hannah Slaney, Floro Azqueta, Laura Blight, Ailsa Robertson, Elio Ruscetta, Sara Hibbert, Josh Redman, Gabriel Andreu, Martina O’Shea, Gavin Li
LCN is delivered by SPACE, with Cockpit Arts, Four Corners and Photofusion
The London Creative Network project is part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund Programme 2014 to 2020.