
Help us provide subsidised training programmes, production facilities and creative opportunities in photography and film. 

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Funders and Partnerships

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Photograph of the artist Bob and Roberta Smith holding a film canister with the words 'Support experimental film, support Four Corners' written on it.

Four Corners is a registered charity that promotes participation in film and photography. We enable underrepresented people to gain skills, support artists’ development and engage broad audiences through our cultural programme. We have been based in East London for almost 50 years.

Four Corners receives no core funding. We are always grateful for donations, which are channelled directly back into our projects.

If you would like to support Four Corners, you can make an online donation through a secure site hosted by the Charity Aid Foundation or via the PayPal Giving Fund.

Your donation will also be tax efficient – if you are a tax payer for every £1 you donate we receive £1.25!


Four Corners receives funding from a range of local, regional and European funders and sponsors. We are always open to new partnerships. Find out more.


Four Corners is a local cause taking part in the Co-op Local Community Fund. This means if you’re a Co-op Member and you choose us as your local cause, 1p for every £1 you spend goes to supporting the work we do to bring film and photography to all.

Sign up here, or find out more about our Local Cause here.