01 OCTOBER 2019 - 30 OCTOBER 2023
Into Focus

Into Focus was a free part-time course in photography
It was open to Tower Hamlets residents aged under 25 and over 50.
This intergenerational programme enabled 105 younger and older Tower Hamlets residents to learn a variety of analogue photography skills. Eight 12 week projects included East London street photography, camera operation, portrait studio lighting, pin hole photography, cyanotypes, anthotypes, collage, digital to analogue transitions and darkroom workshops to produce photograms and black & white exhibition prints. Whilst working in groups of twelve, participants co-designed and curated 8 exhibitions of their work, shown at Four Corners Gallery.
Seventeen Year 10 GCSE Art and Photography students at Canary Wharf College were supported through Key Stage 4. Social outcomes included a better understanding of younger and older peoples needs and their positive contributions within the community. After completing their projects three young people secured full time and freelance employment within the photographic industry. The programme was managed by Dave Than and workshops facilitated by artists/photographers Sarah Ainslie, Jo Guille, Elle Andrews, Antony Cairns, Seb Garraway, Liz Gorman and scientist Dr Emily Patterson.
For details, please email Dave.
‘I enjoyed being on the course with my son enormously. To do this together was an experience I will treasure for ever and my son got so much out of it, I think young people receive such little hands on experience these days; to be able to do it in our local borough was fantastic. Thank you.
Lenie Mets
‘As someone that got into photography out of interest in the process of film, the Into Focus course has been fascinating to get hands-on and print my negatives in the dark room, a massive step on from just getting scans. It’s been a really fun twelve weeks and I’d recommend the course to anyone with even a passing interest in traditional photographic techniques.’
Finlay Hillman Brown
‘Really enjoyed and genuinely looked forward to attending the sessions each week, particularly the professional portrait studio sessions and the Lomography experimentation. These were things I had never tried so it was nice to get a taste and learn something new. You get to meet interesting people who have the same interests as you along the way, whom I personally wouldn't typically come into contact with so that was very refreshing too.’
Sofia Deria
“I feel so lucky to have had the chance to learn about the intricacies of the world of analogue photography alongside a group of people with such diverse creative backgrounds and ideas. Thank you to Four Corners for holding a space for us to gather weekly to learn and discuss our creative pursuits, it has definitely made me feel more capable and confident about pursuing my own future projects.”
Amaia Gonzalez
‘This project is fantastic! If you are interested in/love film photography, I recommend taking part in this project. I learned so much about photography and printing, which I absolutely loved. It was inspiring to meet people who share similar interests as me and express creativity together. Dave and Sarah are GREAT! They have been such good mentors and they provided me with a whole new perspective for film photography, printing and showing my work to people. I loved every second of it and can’t wait for whoever’s reading this to experience what I have experienced.’
Jungyun Lee
“The Into Focus course opened a space that was incredibly enriching, supportive and inclusive, where I had the freedom to explore my passion for visual images while learning a lot about analogue photography and printing methods. It has been so inspiring to meet and see the works of people of different ages and walks of life. Dave and Sarah are two very talented and patient tutors who will give you the attention and care you need to feel confident and thrive in your visual experimentations!”
Ellinor Juhler
“The Into Focus project with Four Corners was always the highlight of my week. A dozen strangers, of all ages and walks of life, united by a curiosity/passion for photography was a wonderful thing to be a part of. Dave and Sarah were incredible teachers, and their encouragement throughout the 12 weeks has ignited a love for B&W hand-printing that I would not have realised without them. Thank you!”
Coco Bagley
Read about our collaboration with Lomography here.
This programme was generously supported by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Local Community Fund and Aldgate & Allhallows Foundation. Project partner, Lomography.